Mittwoch, 14. November 2007

About Agarwood, Oudh

Agarwood oil, also known as Oud, Aloeswood, Eagleswood Ud, Kiara, etc., is an extremely rare and precious oil that originates in North Eastern India, Bhutan and parts of South East Asia, especially Vietnam and Cambodia. Agarwood has a very long history of use as a medicine, incense and as an aromatic oil. In the Bible it is known as aloes or aloeswood. There are several species of Agarwood, the most important species are: Aquilaria agollocha, A. malaccensis and A. crassna. Aquilaria malaccensis is endangered and protected worldwide under the CITES convention and A. crassna is listed as endangered by the Vietnamese government.

The Oud that we carry is from Aquillaria agollocha, and it is plantation–grown in Assam, India, which was originally one of the richest areas of naturally occurring agarwood trees. While there are still wild agarwood trees to be found in inaccessible forest regions, they are extremely rare and very difficult to obtain. By purchasing agarwood oil from cultivated trees, we are not doing damage to the last remaining wild agarwood trees, nor to the forests in which the precious agarwood trees grow.
Agarwood trees must be infected by a fungi, prior to producing an oleoresin which saturates the wood. This oleoresin saturated wood is where the mystical fragrance of Oud originates. There are many grades of agarwood, and the highest quality wood is extremely expensive. In fact, the first-grade wood is one of the most expensive natural products in the world, with prices of up to $13,000 per pound (thirteen thousand US dollars per 16 ounces!) for top quality wood. The essential oil from wild agarwood trees is likewise one of the most expensive oils in the world. The wholesale price for a relatively decent quality oil is around $1000 to $1400 per ounce. The finest Oud oil would, of course, be much more expensive.
Please realize that this oil is from cultivated trees, and is not considered a high quality agarwood oil. It is however, a very nice oil at a very affordable price. It is pure and unadulterated, which is more than can be said for much of the agarwood oil or oud that is for sale on the open market.
The Oud CO2 extract that we carry is a very viscous, dark brown oil. It is non-sticky and can be applied directly to the skin (in minute amounts) or can be thinned in jojoba oil or other carrier oil. Eden Botanicals' Agarwood oil may also be mixed into your own essential oil blends. For mixing purposes you will need to gently warm the Oud in a water bath and add it drop by drop to your mixture. Then heat the blend and swish well. With this method our Oud CO2 extract will mix into your essential oil formulas or into carrier oils.
Agarwood is a very complex, deep woody fragrance, reminiscent of amber. Susanne Fischer–Rice, in her book, ‘The Complete Incense Book’, explains: “Agarwood has a balsamic, ambergris, woody, deep fragrance. To experience the many nuances of this unique substance is like a journey on the road to spiritual perfection”. It is highly prized as an incense in Japan and as an oil in the Middle East. Because Agarwood is so rare, and so highly valued in Japan and the Middle East (where most of it ends up), it is little known in the West. But agarwood is truly amazing, and should be experienced by any connoisseur of essential oils. You only need to use a tiny amount of agarwood at a time; be prepared for the slow release of its aroma over the next 8 hours.


Whether you would like to try Agarwood as an amazing fragrance full of complex notes or utilize it for its mystical properties or its healing power we guarantee that our wild harvested resin from the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Southern China is the primo Agarwood experience.Since discovering Agarwood myself only two years ago I have since tried good quality Agarwoods from India (three types), Papua New Guinea and Borneo. I also tried some not so good Agarwood from China, Cambodia and Thailand; not so good means that there was some cut. The way to test is very simple. Add to hot water and see if it blends. If there is oil floating in the water then it is cut.Having tried these different pure Agar oils I liked them all, especially the Borneo variety. However even that one did not match the unparalleled Tonkin Agarwood.I have had some mystical experiences with Agarwood and after a hot bath with three drops of Agar I found all aches and pains of the body vanish long with an incredible relaxation.Some of my customers have also provided similar testimonials.The mystical experiences for me were opening of the subconscious, and arousing the experience of being the soul beyond the body or at least feeling the astral body within the gross physical body of flesh and blood. This was after prolonged use like leaving the bottle open in my bedroom and also smelling the fragrance on my clothing or jewellry throughout the day. A little smear on plastic will hold the unique fragrance for over a year.For a deeper less tenacious and luxury pure Agarwood try our Indian Classic Oud.The first note the nose finds is the sour, dung-like note. But then after some moments your nose will gradually discover the sweeter woodier notes of this complex amazing scent.Prized by the Arab world as Oud, Agarwood chips are burnt in mosques. We offer grade I and II woodchips for burning on charcoals and now smaller, more affordable vials of this incredible substance that was once only available to kings and mystics of yore.Discover it for yourself.FURTHER INFORMATION ON AGARWOODAlso known as Aloeswood, Lign Aloes, Eagle wood, Jinko or Oud, Agarwood is one of the most rare and precious woods on the planet, prized for its rich and wonderful fragrance. Agarwood is extremely rare and often difficult to obtain and its value is pegged at 1.5 times the worth of gold and is sometimes referred to as 'liquid gold' or 'wood of the gods.' Although the southern Arabian Peninsula has been long identified with aromatics, few Westerners are familiar with Agarwood. This obscurity is partly due to Agarwood rarity and cost. Agarwood has also been used in nearly every religious tradition around the world and revered for thousands of years by many cultures as the most treasured incense ingredient. It was Agarwood and Myrrh that was burned at Jesus' burial ceremony. Ayurvedic, Unanai, Tibetan and Chinese physicians have all used Agarwood in their practice to treat various diseases as well as mental illness.King Louis XIV of France had his shirts washed in rose water in which Agarwood had been previously boiled. The Indian poet Kalidasa once wrote: "Beautiful ladies, preparing themselves for the feast of pleasures, cleanse themselves with the yellow powder of sandal, clear and pure, freshen their breasts with pleasant aromas, and suspend their dark hair in the smoke of burning Agarwood. This is the legendary "tree from the garden of Eden" where Adam and Eve were only allowed to take cuttings from the Agarwood tree. Samurai warriors scented their armour with Agarwood smoke, for luck, before going to battle and Lord Buddha was to have said that the smell of Agarwood burning "is the scent of Nirvana". It is also favorite of Lord Krishna. Egyptians used Agarwood to embalm and anoint the dead.What is Aloeswood / Agarwood ?Aloeswood is the resinous wood from the Aquilaria tree, an archaic tropical evergreen tree native to northern India, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Southern China and Vietnam. Its scientific name is Aquilara Malaccensis Lam. or Aquilaria agallocha. The Aquilaria tree grows up to 40 meters high and 60 centimeters in diameter. It bears sweetly-scented, snow-white flowers. The trees frequently become infected with a parasite fungus or mold, Phialophora parasitica, and begin to produce an aromatic resin, in response to this attack.The resin of a tree from a natural fungal attack and immune response is commonly known as agar #1. An inferior resin is created by the deliberate wounding of an aquilaria tree; leaving it more susceptible to a fungal attack by using a forced method. This is commonly called agar #2 and found in commericially grown Aloeswood.The fungus and decomposition process continue to generate a very rich and dark resin forming within the heartwood.. Thus, Aloeswood develops very, very slowly over time - typically several HUNDRED YEARS or more to form. Hence, this is why it is so rare and valued as the most sacred oil on the planet (in addition to the wonderful aroma).Aloeswood Medicinal UsesStimulant, tonic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, relieves epilepsy, antimicrobial, carminative (gas), smallpox, rheumatism, illness during and after childbirth, relieves spasms in digestive and respiratory systems, lowers fever, digestive and bronchial complaints, abdominal pain, asthma, cancer, colic, diarrhea, nausea, nerves, regurgitation, weakness in the elderly, shortness of breath, chills, general pains, cirrhosis of the liver and as a director or focuser for other medicines. It has also been used as a treatment for lung and stomach tumors.


1 Kommentar:

Thomas B. Brown hat gesagt…

Our Greatest Passion is Top-Quality Deer Musk & Premium Grade Agarwood Oudh Oils. We Dearly Love Aphrodisiac/Pheromones Ingredients such as Pure Deer Musk, Amber, Ambergris, Royal Supreme Thailand Oud, Cambodian Oud, Sandalwood, UAE Royal Arabian Oud & pure Vietnam Oud.